(720) 667-4876
Full Service Design Build For Custom Homes and Renovations

Full Service Design Build For Custom Homes and Renovations

Denver residents who want to enhance or construct their homes can turn to Sustainable Design Build (SDB) and take advantage of their Full Service Design Build service. SDB puts sustainable and eco-friendly practices at the forefront of its construction and renovation process, starting from the initial design phase to the final build. They work closely with clients to create homes or buildings that meet their needs while minimizing their environmental impact.

Is Sustainable Design Build a General Contractor?

Is Sustainable Design Build a General Contractor?

There are some key differences between a design-build company like Sustainable Design Build and a traditional General Contractor. However, at our core, SDB operates just as a general contractor would – someone who is responsible for overseeing a construction project but with more added benefits to clients in a singular package.

Denver Looking To Make ADU Building Easier

Denver Looking To Make ADU Building Easier

ADU building is not an easy home improvement project here in Denver. Despite its recent efforts to make it more streamlined, Denver’s Community Planning and Development department still has significant hurdles for homeowners to clear for the ADU building. These come in the form of several regulatory barriers to residential construction. Properties zoned to allow for the construction of ADUs must consider adequate setbacks, building height limits, minimum lot size requirements, maximum square footage, reuse of existing accessory structures (when applicable), and owner occupancy, among other factors.

Denver Apartment Construction Mired By Permit Pain

Denver Apartment Construction Mired By Permit Pain

Construction in Denver has been hot in the last couple of years and the sheer volume of Denver’s Development and Planning Department is immense. But the increase in demand for more housing has developers breathing down the neck of the city’s review teams, expecting permit approvals in a timely manner. Unfortunately, a culmination of supply issues, workforce shortages, and shortsighted considerations Denver has been put in the spotlight for failing to deliver a service to help the development of its growing city. There does seem to be a fire lit underneath Denver’s review teams with more dedicated efforts to review plans for permits but the present pain can be felt all across Denver’s construction industry.

Setting Expectations for Your Home Renovation

Setting Expectations for Your Home Renovation

Building a home, remodeling, or performing any kind of home renovation can be an emotional task. It is easy to get carried away with ideas, inspirations, vision boards, and HGTV-fueled dreams. But when it comes down to the actual design and construction of your home renovation reality can be quite harsh. That is why we at Sustainable Design Build aim to be honest and transparent with the financial, emotional, and practical realities of your home renovation project. Let’s break down some of the most challenging aspects of a home renovation project and how one can prepare for it by setting good expectations

What is Denver’s ‘Missing Middle’? Apartment Developers Hoping for Better Options During Housing Woes

What is Denver’s ‘Missing Middle’? Apartment Developers Hoping for Better Options During Housing Woes

The housing shortage has been no secret, for years now Denver has been combating a large increase in housing demand and record dwindling lows for inventory. But with recent regulations and plans being announced by the local government, everyone is still wondering, “where are all the affordable housing options?”. Denver apartment developers are everywhere and that is evident with the cranes that stand across the city’s skyline, so why isn’t there enough housing? A better question to ask is, “who needs housing the most?”.

Denver Reviewing Bill That Bans Pet Rent

Denver Reviewing Bill That Bans Pet Rent

Lookout pet owners it seems a new bill is on its way that can affect your furry little friends. Denver will consider new legislation that would effectively ban pet rent fees and deposits. The bill is titled Pet Animal Ownership In Housing under bill number HB23-1068. The bill is drafted as a way to provide several protections for pet ownership in housing.

Is Denver’s Affordable Housing Ordinance scaring away commercial multifamily development?

Is Denver’s Affordable Housing Ordinance scaring away commercial multifamily development?

Three months after the newly released housing ordinance, the Apartment Association of Metro Denver is showing a negative trend in commercial multifamily development. Applications for commercial multifamily development have dramatically fallen by 88% following Devner’s new affordable housing ordinance. While the goal of the ordinance was to help further the development of new multifamily housing, many experts warned of the opposite effect. It seems now, Denver’s Affordable Housing Ordinance is scaring away commercial multifamily development.

Denver’s Ordinance 307 How Sidewalks Affected Your Remodel

Denver’s Ordinance 307 How Sidewalks Affected Your Remodel

When walking through the neighborhoods of Denver, you may have noticed some of the sidewalks are more treacherous than others. There is definitely a varying degree of quality and upkeep for this pedestrian pavement. Up until now, it has actually been the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain and improve the sidewalks of the neighborhood. But now, Denver’s sidewalks have changed hands in management and control but still at the cost of homeowners. This is a benefit in many aspects, especially for property owners who were looking to build or make improvements to their homes.

Arapahoe County Considers Allowing ADU

Arapahoe County Considers Allowing ADU

It seems the trending interest in Accessory Dwelling Units is expanding past the Denver Metro Area. Arapahoe County is now proposing a new zoning regulation that would allow accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, in unincorporated neighborhoods. The decision could be coming as soon as the Summer of 2023.

Commercial Construction Project at Denver’s Park Hill Golf Course may begin

Commercial Construction Project at Denver’s Park Hill Golf Course may begin

Land Developers face a large amount of regulation, code requirements, and scrutiny. Nothing is more apparent of that fact than the redevelopment and commercial construction project planned for Denver’s Park Hill golf Course. For years, the large property has sat vacant and unattended as developers change ownership due to complications in obtaining approval for its construction. Current land developer Westside Investment Partners have been in a years-long attempt to develop the 155-acre golf course. However, due to a unique conservation easement that has been maintained by the city and county of Denver construction has been at a standstill. The conservation easement states that the golf course will remain a golf course and operate as one. a current land developer wants to lift that easement to make way for more beneficial commercial construction projects such as additional housing and community development.

Lumber Prices Crashing: What it means for your custom home construction

Lumber Prices Crashing: What it means for your custom home construction

Lumber prices have been on a wild ride for the last three years. Since the pandemic hit, builders, homeowners, and investors have seen the US Commodity rise to astronomical prices. In 2021, lumber prices skyrocketed to $1,481.50 in May, the cause of this sudden increase was the fallout of the pandemic. A combination of supply chain woes and an unintended demand in housing and construction caused a demand far greater than anyone could have anticipated. Since then, we saw lumber prices fall and return to their previous highs in 2022. However, halfway through 2022 lumber prices plunged around 66% into the new year.

Sustainable Design Build – A Look Back on 2022

Sustainable Design Build – A Look Back on 2022

Looking back at the year, Sustainable Design Build saw its share of beautiful Denver homes. The SDB team has been super fortunate to work with amazing families and households in order to bring out the best in their properties. Through SDB’s design-build process, home remodels, home additions, and accessory dwelling units were built in all varieties in 2022. Let’s take a quick look at some of our 2022 projects and see the design-build difference.

Framing a basement in Denver

Framing a basement in Denver

Sustainable Design Build often finds clients who would like to include their unfinished basements in their home improvement plans. Whether their main project goal is to build a home addition or simply remodel part of the house, an unfinished basement is a great opportunity. However, Denver homes often face unique challenges when it comes to framing a basement that other homes across the US do not have to worry about. This is due to Denver’s soil quality which can also be found all along the Front Range, and its effects on buried structures. If you plan on remodeling your Denver home’s basement read on to get familiar with the factors that will be considered when working with Sustainable Design Build.

Multifamily Construction Cost Are Rising

Multifamily Construction Cost Are Rising

Developers, construction companies, and real estate investors are well aware of the increasing difficulty of bringing a multifamily construction project to fruition. In recent years, building codes have evolved and updated for the benefit of residents and neighborhoods. However, with the growth and additions made to Building Codes, the rigidity of the construction process has caused costs to rise in multifamily construction. These Building Codes are essential and very much necessary to ensure developers and construction companies provide quality and safe homes to the public; however, the implementation of newer regulations raises the difficulty and costs associated with bringing new multifamily construction to the public.

The ADU Cash Flow Conundrum

The ADU Cash Flow Conundrum

For the last couple of years or so, building an ADU in Denver has been a hot trend for homeowners, real estate investors, and would-be rental owners. An ADU or more formally known as an Accessory Dwelling Unit is a great idea to expand the livable square footage of a property. Property owners of all kinds have envisioned their homes to have a detached suite right in their backyard. The apparent benefits look promising, having a detached unit that can be rented out for long or short periods, having a detached property that can house family members or guests, and the increased square footage adds to the property value.
At a glance, building an ADU seems like a worthy investment for future rental owners but more times than not, it’s not the best investment. The reason for this is due to the ADU Cash Flow Conundrum property owners are faced with. Building an ADU requires a lot more time and money than other projects which makes them unappealing to those looking to cash flow as a rental.

Sustainable farming in Denver used car lot

Sustainable farming in Denver used car lot

“Sustainable farming in Denver” is quite the statement in itself, but add a little innovation and you find a very compact and efficient solution that uses shipping containers. For Ullr’s Garden, that is precisely what they have achieved when tackling a difficult problem with shrinking land resources and bio-availability. Ullr’s Garden grows sustainable farm crops in climate-controlled shipping containers in a Broadway used-car lot and only uses five gallons of water a day. Finding innovation in environmental sustainability is difficult in urban areas and even more so when pursuing lasting changes in future developments.

Design and Build a Kitchen Addition Perfect For The Holidays

Design and Build a Kitchen Addition Perfect For The Holidays

The holidays are a perfect time for families to return to each other and spend a little bit of quality time together. This is the perfect time for you as a homeowner or homebuyer to design and build your perfect space for the holiday festivities. If you have family and friends visiting, undoubtedly you will be in charge of hosting and entertaining your guests. Without designing and building a functional kitchen or a new dining room, the family holiday cheer can get a little Krampus (apologies for the terrible joke). Do you believe your home is ready for improvement? Do you know where to start? Ask us at Sustainable Design Build where we can build the perfect space for the holidays.

Land Development in Denver

Land Development in Denver

Sustainable Design Build has its roots placed in Denver Land Development. As a design-build company, SDB led the construction of several multifamily housing projects. In a sense, one could say that SDB “cut its teeth” by starting out as a land development team. The difficulty in designing, developing, and building in Denver is so high that many This is one of the reasons SDB is so passionate about building in Denver, as the process for performing land development is complex and can turn unfeasible at a moment’s notice. This leaves many ownership groups hesitant to build much-needed housing and infrastructure to keep Denver on par with demand. The land development process is long and difficult, but with the right help from experienced groups, it can be a rewarding experience.

Coolest Thing In Colorado: Award Announced

Coolest Thing In Colorado: Award Announced

Sustainable Design Build is always looking for ways to bring Denver homes a more sustainable solution to their construction challenges. Whether that be offering sustainable building materials or incorporating cutting-edge energy efficiency into a home’s design. But more so, SDB is proud to tell all about our own who take initiative to pursue sustainable solutions. SDB is proud to announce our very own Eric Milburn and his running as a finalist in the Colorado Chamber of Commerce’s Coolest Thing Made In Colorado competition.

Land Development in Denver

Dever’s Building Permit Process Delays Construction

The ongoing dilemma that has plagued Denver’s Building Permit process and the construction industry is continually sounding off alarms. This most recent news story published by Jon Murray of The Denver Post brings even more perspective to the worsening conditions of Denver’s Community Planning and Development. Sustainable Design Build has consistently kept up with Denver’s Average Plan Review Times and monitored the growing durations needed to perform even the most simple construction projects. In Denver Post’s article, “Denver’s efforts to build much-needed housing, and even its residents’ attempts to make their homes more appealing, are running into delays that can last several; months as the city struggles to overcome the [plan review and permit] backlogs”. These delays are causing issues in an already strained housing market and construction environment, leaving even recent progress for affordable housing to stumble. Thousands of new buildings, custom homes, and renovations are caught in an expanding web of delays at short-staffed community planning and development review and permit offices.

Coolest Thing In Colorado: Hempline Insulation

Coolest Thing In Colorado: Hempline Insulation

Sustainable Design Build is always looking for ways to bring Denver homes a more sustainable solution to their construction challenges. Whether that be offering sustainable building materials or incorporating cutting-edge energy efficiency into a home’s design. But more so, SDB is proud to tell all about our own who take initiative to pursue sustainable solutions. SDB is proud to announce our very own Eric Milburn and his running as a finalist in the Colorado Chamber of Commerce’s Coolest Thing Made In Colorado competition.

Denver Zone Lot Verification

Denver Zone Lot Verification

Denver zoning covers various categories and requirements for all structures, homes, and businesses to fall under when it comes to community planning. That said, a large amount of information can be overwhelming for the casual homeowner and un-initiated developer. First and foremost. What is Denver Zoning? Denver zoning in the simplest terms is the criteria Denver’s community planning and development sets to determine what can be built and where. For a homeowner, builder, or developer to confirm these criteria and see what their property lot is zoned for, they will need to request a Denver Zone Lot Verification from the Community Planning and Development Department.

How much value does a patio add?

How much value does a patio add?

There are many approaches a homeowner or business can take when it comes to construction here in Denver, Colorado. Whether it is for residential building or commercial construction, Denver residents have the choice to subcontract out project work piece by piece over time or work with a general contractor to perform a traditional construction project or Design-build construction. But what are the main differences between these types of construction project management styles? What is the meaning of design-build project management? Sustainable Design Build believes in our process and the benefits residential construction and commercial construction can have. Let’s take a look at these factors of design-build and how they can be right for your project.

What is the meaning of design-build?

What is the meaning of design-build?

There are many approaches a homeowner or business can take when it comes to construction here in Denver, Colorado. Whether it is for residential building or commercial construction, Denver residents have the choice to subcontract out project work piece by piece over time or work with a general contractor to perform a traditional construction project or Design-build construction. But what are the main differences between these types of construction project management styles? What is the meaning of design-build project management? Sustainable Design Build believes in our process and the benefits residential construction and commercial construction can have. Let’s take a look at these factors of design-build and how they can be right for your project.