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New Residential Preconstruction: Structural Engineering

New Residential Preconstruction: Structural Engineering

Recently, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has announced the top trends for Sustainable and Green Building in homes all over America. This follows a study revealed during 2021 IBSx Virtual Experience which details, energy efficiency in homes have been becoming the primary driver in homebuying decisions and preferences. From the Summer of 2020, a survey including over 3,00 home buyers, both recent and prospective, have mentioned they prefer their homes to include eco-friendly components and designs.

Pre-construction Process for Residential Construction

Pre-construction Process for Residential Construction

Recently, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has announced the top trends for Sustainable and Green Building in homes all over America. This follows a study revealed during 2021 IBSx Virtual Experience which details, energy efficiency in homes have been becoming the primary driver in homebuying decisions and preferences. From the Summer of 2020, a survey including over 3,00 home buyers, both recent and prospective, have mentioned they prefer their homes to include eco-friendly components and designs.