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When Do I need an Architect for a Home Remodel?

When Do I need an Architect for a Home Remodel?

An architect for a home remodel is one of the first disciplines needed to get a home remodel project started. They are responsible for drafting the floor plans and specifications that form the blueprint for your remodel. It’s a fundamental step—no one can build a house without a set of detailed plans. Therefore, it is natural for homeowners to believe that the first step to building their dream home is to reach out to an architect for a home remodel and get a plan drafted. However, many times general contractors and design-build companies find that clients who have gone through the process of drafting plans with an architect are often unable to build the home as envisioned. So, when does a homeowner need an architect for a home remodel? What is an architect responsible for, and what are the potential pitfalls?

Do I need an Architect for a Home Remodel?

Do I need an Architect for a Home Remodel?

Involving an architect in your home remodel is crucial for ensuring structural integrity, adhering to legal requirements, coordinating multiple trades, and optimizing design. At Sustainable Design Build, our integrated approach with in-house architects, general contractors, and interior designers ensures a smooth process from initial concept to final construction, aligning your vision with practical and budgetary realities.

How To Save Money During A Home Remodel

How To Save Money During A Home Remodel

If you’re contemplating whether to engage a design-build firm for your custom home or remodeling project, you’ve landed on the right page. Constructing a custom home entails a substantial investment, and enlisting a design-build firm is an investment in your future dwelling. While drafting services and pre-made house plans may promise dream homes at a lower price, opting for a cheaper design alternative amid the multiple costs associated with custom home construction involves compromises.