(720) 667-4876
Sustainable farming in Denver used car lot

Sustainable farming in Denver used car lot

“Sustainable farming in Denver” is quite the statement in itself, but add a little innovation and you find a very compact and efficient solution that uses shipping containers. For Ullr’s Garden, that is precisely what they have achieved when tackling a difficult problem with shrinking land resources and bio-availability. Ullr’s Garden grows sustainable farm crops in climate-controlled shipping containers in a Broadway used-car lot and only uses five gallons of water a day. Finding innovation in environmental sustainability is difficult in urban areas and even more so when pursuing lasting changes in future developments.

Design and Build a Kitchen Addition Perfect For The Holidays

Design and Build a Kitchen Addition Perfect For The Holidays

The holidays are a perfect time for families to return to each other and spend a little bit of quality time together. This is the perfect time for you as a homeowner or homebuyer to design and build your perfect space for the holiday festivities. If you have family and friends visiting, undoubtedly you will be in charge of hosting and entertaining your guests. Without designing and building a functional kitchen or a new dining room, the family holiday cheer can get a little Krampus (apologies for the terrible joke). Do you believe your home is ready for improvement? Do you know where to start? Ask us at Sustainable Design Build where we can build the perfect space for the holidays.