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Ball Arena Screenshot Concept Plan KSE Ball Arena Redevelopment

KSE-Ball Arean Redevelopment Concept Plan, Learn More.

A Historic Agreement

The owner of Ball Arena, Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, has reached out to the surrounding community and neighborhoods that would be impacted by the development. Now, ahead of the official hearing for the redevelopment with the City and County of Denver, Kroenke Sports and Entertainment have concluded on a ‘historic agreement’ one that promises improvements and benefits for residents and businesses all in the surrounding area of the proposed development

64 Acres of Parking Lots Redeveloped

The Ball Arena redevelopment project represents a significant transformation for Denver, with Kroenke Sports and Entertainment proposing a 64-acre redevelopment plan. This proposal, which has been in the works since 2022, is set to change the city’s skyline and urban landscape. Key elements include the addition of affordable housing, which could lift the current five-story building height restriction, allowing for taller structures. The plan also seeks to balance modern development with the preservation of Denver’s iconic mountain views, a concern for many residents. The proposed “tall skinny towers” aim to maintain view corridors while accommodating higher density.

Residents and property owners in the surrounding area are divided, with some concerned about the impact on the local character and property values, while others see potential in the proposed connectivity between neighborhoods and the influx of new shops, offices, parks, and homes. This large-scale urban development could help bridge previously disconnected parts of the city, aligning with Denver’s Downtown Area Plan Amendment.

A public hearing is scheduled for October 21, 2024, where the Denver City Council will decide on the project’s future. As this project progresses, homeowners may consider upgrading their properties to capitalize on Denver’s unique blend of natural beauty and modern living, ensuring they maintain the city’s beloved “Mile High” vibe while adapting to the urban growth.

Why Did KSC Make an Agreement with the Community?

After 15 months of negotiations, Kroenke Sports and Entertainment has reached a pivotal community benefits agreement with a coalition of downtown and central Denver groups regarding the massive 64-acre redevelopment around Ball Arena. This agreement is crucial for billionaire Stan Kroenke’s ambitious plan to expand downtown Denver, as several Denver City Council members had made their support contingent on securing backing from local neighborhoods.

The Ball Arena Community Benefit Agreement Committee (BACBAC), representing neighborhood groups such as the Auraria Campus and La Alma/Lincoln Park, will now fully support the project. Although negotiations were sometimes tense, community representatives praised Kroenke’s team for their collaboration.

Despite this progress, concerns remain over the potential obstruction of legally protected mountain views, particularly from the project’s proposed tall towers. The plan will go before Denver City Council for approval, with the council’s decision being critical to the project’s future.

This agreement strengthens the likelihood of the redevelopment moving forward and reflects the broader effort to balance community interests with urban expansion.

What the Ball Arena Community Benefits Agreement outlines:


  • The project will include over 6,000 housing units, with 18 percent designated as affordable housing for both sale and rent. A portion of these will be two-bedroom units or larger.
  • Of the businesses leasing space on the site, 20 percent will be small businesses or those owned by women or minorities. Additionally, residents from low-income neighborhoods will have priority for construction jobs, and 20 percent of permanent jobs will also be reserved for people from those communities.
  • An early learning center for at least 150 children will be part of the development. The agreement also includes a $1 million investment in internships aimed at creating career pathways in sports and entertainment, with a focus on Indigenous youth and descendants of those displaced by the Auraria Campus development.
  • A minimum of $5 million will be allocated for public art, with 25 percent going to Denver artists and another 25 percent to artists from Colorado. The site will also feature 5,000 square feet dedicated to community art space.
  • Funding will be provided for youth programming in collaboration with local nonprofits like Youth on Record. Additionally, Kroenke will offer financial support for tenant eviction assistance, downpayment help, and other renter support services.
  • Bike and pedestrian paths will connect the development to the rest of the city, including the planned 5280 Trail around downtown.
  • Rothman’s Children’s Park, one of the few family-friendly spaces in downtown Denver, will be preserved.
  • The area will also host regular free events for the broader community.

Ball Arena Development Will Change Denver’s Skyline

As the Ball Arena redevelopment moves forward, excitement and concern ripple through the community. This massive project promises to reshape Denver’s iconic skyline, introducing modern high-rise towers that will redefine the city’s architectural profile. The influx of housing, jobs, and new public spaces holds the potential for a vibrant urban hub that enhances connectivity and boosts economic growth. However, concerns about preserving the city’s cherished mountain views and maintaining the “Mile High” character are ever-present. While this sweeping transformation promises a new chapter for Denver, it also raises important questions about how to balance progress with the city’s unique identity, ensuring that this development enriches, rather than diminishes, the area’s quality of life.

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