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Sustainable Design Build South Federal Flats Groundbreaking Day  commercial residential construction general contractor

South Federal Flats, a multi-family commercial apartment complex has officially broken ground.  On April 19th, CO Investment LLC and Sustainable Design Build made the exciting step forward and began construction on the project after a long process with Denver’s developmental services.

South Federal Flats will be located near the intersection of Yale and Federal Blvd at 2720 S Federal Blvd. The 57-unit apartment complex aims to bring the neighborhood more affordable housing. The apartment complex will feature 2 bedrooms, 1 bedroom, and studio units. The community will be blocks away from the new Loretto Heights Campus, as well as the West Harvard Gulch Bike Trail.

Denver-based KSA Architecture LLC is the architect, Raptor Civil Engineering is the civil engineer, and Oxbow Design Collaborative is the landscape architect of record on this multi-family apartment development.

Sustainable Design Build Federal Flats Rendering KSA Architecture Sustainable Design Build commercial construction

Rendering of South Federal Flats, KSA Architecture.

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