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In order to add to the endless list of New Resolutions, Sustainable Design Build would like to suggest some ways you can ‘Go Green’. Being sustainable and green can be a rewarding experience in more ways than one, a new year’s resolution can be one of these easy changes. Take a look at these items and let us know if you feel compelled to join us in helping make a more sustainable future, one household at a time!

2021 Green ways to be Green Cover Sustainable Design Build

Appreciate Aluminum 

Aluminum is far more precious than you think. “Americans throw away more than $700 million worth of aluminum cans every year.” a point made from the Aluminum Association. The value of aluminum comes from its abundance in modern society and its infinitely reusable qualities. Making more of an effort this year to recycle aluminum, correctly, would be a great sustainable new year’s resolution.

Stop using single-use plastics

Plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic straws. All of these plastic items can be recycled and even more stopped being used and thrown away. The biggest impact you can make for a sustainable future is by using reusable versions of these plastic tools. It may take some time to get used but after you can’t believe how convenient the concept is for bringing your own reusable bags, straws, and bottles.

Unplug and Power Down

Taking the time to power off your unused devices and appliances is the great starting point for a sustainable new year resolution. You can even go the extra mile and completely unplug some items. You do this because some smart devices now constantly draw power in order to maintain a ‘sleep mode’. Lowering power consumption in each household helps natural resource consumption in the long run and also cuts down on emissions associated with power plants or facilities similar. Every little bit helps, even a little light bulb. 

Don’t Pre-wash Dishes

This one may sound weird but stop rinsing dishes before you put them into the dishwasher! Personally, we think it’s a great idea because it cuts down on the prep time for doing the dishes after each meal. But the truth is, Americans can save roughly 150 billion gallons of water each year by skipping a simple rinse on the dirty dishes before putting it in the dishwasher. Instead, do the scrap method into a trash can and go directly to the dishwasher. Today’s modern dishwashers are much more efficient and powerful than a time ago where you were taught as a kid to rinse the dishes beforehand. 

Make your home more energy efficient

By installing energy-efficient devices, appliances, and home finishes – you as a homeowner will have to do less to change your daily life in order to be sustainable and green. Swap out bulbs in lights around the house for LED or more efficient ones. Get plumbing fixtures installed that use less water to operate. Get power efficient appliances and set home conditioning appliances to easier to maintain settings. You can also look to install more efficient windows in your home and remodel your home with better-rated insulation. Sustainable Design Build has also found interesting ways alongside architects to create natural building forms that allow for energy efficiency. Such as; facing the home away from the sun or building breezeways. If you want to remodel your home and make it sustainable, SDB can help give you direction.

No more paper receipts

Another way to be more green and sustainable for 2021 is to get rid of paper receipts. This can be done fairly easy too! Our advice is to create a new email or alias for your email, then wherever you shop just to have the email you created used there. Now you can have all your receipts sent to a singular source instead of flooding your normal inbox. There are even apps you can use that can have the receipts sent to you as well. Either way, there is no reason to have a paper receipt in this day and age. You might as well check this one off your list for new year resolutions.

Plant a Garden

Planting a garden creates a great offset for sustainability and green living. Having homegrown veggies cut down a lot on pollution from commerce and pesticide. Even if it’s just one trip, a garden can give you fulfilling results right to your kitchen table. We also heard it’s kind of therapeutic. For those of you who have a green thumb, what better time to get started on a garden than before springtime? Start prepping your garden material, tools, and plans. Heck, you can even get the seeds ready too. Just prep and be ready to knock this new year’s resolution out of the bag!

Change for sustainable coffee fIlters

Getting rid of the paper filters and the single-use K-cups helps out a lot in the long term for sustainability and green living. Swapping to reusable coffee filters and reusable k-cups will cut down on adding to landfills. Coffee drinks should get a kick out of this idea, save some costs on the grocery store or instead get the fancier beans since you aren’t spending money on the filters. 

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