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best return on investment remodel projects for 2020 pandemic coronavirus home improvement

As a homeowner, we all have been there. Agonizing over what we could do that would really help our home reach its full potential. I am, of course, talking about deciding which remodel project should one do to get the best Return On Investment (ROI). For this year, 2020, it is clear the world’s focus has shifted back towards staying-at-home and making it not only more comfortable but also functional. With social distancing and distance learning/work, Americans need homes that provide utility as well as breathing room. So lets count down the five trending remodel projects that offer the best ROI for the rest of the year.

5. Garage Door 

So bear with us on this one, we know we said more and more people will be spending time at home – so who needs to upgrade their garage door if they aren’t taking the car out? Well, this item is more of a proactive home improvement for those who have foresight. A good-looking garage door increases curb appeal immediately for those looking to sell. This is especially true for when the colder months start to roll in. The curb appeal alone will net you a hefty percentage back but also keep in mind that a new garage door will lead to better energy efficiency and durability.

 ROI 97.5 Percent

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4. Entry Doors

Yes, we are still going on about things that involve you leaving your house but this is the last one. Entry doors are the next home improvement that will net you a safe and valuable ROI. Just slightly under in value of a garage door replacement – these projects offer value for updating the face and function of your home. After all, first impressions do matter with homes – sellers would be hard pressed to get a home off market if the door won’t budge open. 

ROI 91.3 Percent

3. Backyard Deck Patio

Now here is something a true homebody can appreciate, a new deck for the backyard. What could be better than soaking up some sun while telecommuting or giving your family a space to enjoy some fresh air? Don’t have one? Not a problem, these projects can be built in a weekend. Have an old one? Update it or even resurface it, half the work but all the benefits. 

ROI 82.8 percent

2. Minor Kitchen Remodel

The current pandemic has definitely changed the market landscape of food and restaurants. It goes without saying that everybody’s kitchen is seeing more use. With restaurants down to mostly social distancing, take out, and delivery – the average american is bringing out their inner-chef. But no one wants to cook in a dirty dingy kitchen, this also translates to being one of the best ROI you can do for your home. When someone says ‘minor kitchen remodel’ they mean new floors, new surfaces, and new appliances. Its a simple project and will leave you with a fresh new space to cook up a storm for the family.

ROI 81.1 percent


1. Home OFFICE Remodel

The latest trend for home remodels? The return of the home office. Yes, its back but in an updated and modern way – home offices are coming back to front of everyone’s minds since work and school are being intermittently pushed to operating remotely. Even builders of new home constructions are redoing finishes and layouts to make room for a designated home office space. So this would be a great time to convert that old basement into a brand new remodel or perhaps renovate the old guest bedroom that hasn’t seen any visitors since a couple thanksgivings ago. Regardless, the current state of affairs seems to promise less face-to-face interaction for both business and education.



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