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Denver’s building permit process delays construction and increases construction costs Sustainable Design Build Commercial Construction

Sustainable Design Build has its roots placed in Denver Land Development. As a design-build company, SDB led the construction of several multifamily housing projects. In a sense, one could say that SDB “cut its teeth” by starting out as a land development team. The difficulty in designing, developing, and building in Denver is so high that many developers and companies find the prospect unappealing. This is one of the reasons SDB is so passionate about building in Denver, as the process for performing land development is complex and can turn unfeasible at a moment’s notice. This leaves many ownership groups hesitant to build much-needed housing and infrastructure to keep Denver on par with demand. The land development process is long and difficult, but with the right help from experienced groups, it can be a rewarding experience. 

A comprehensive land development planning process is necessary for projects ranging from residential areas to commercial businesses. Without landscape architecture and engineering, the designs and construction of these projects would be impossible. Cities need vibrant and functional places, and land development is a vital part of that.

What is Land Development

Land Development is the process of transforming a landscape into something that better meets the needs of different uses for residential, commercial, industrial, or recreation properties. It involves immense planning, designing, and coordination to meet the needs of the client, municipality, and building code.

In addition to planning and designing a project, multiple disciplines come together to work on it to meet the goals of the project. This process involves working with the surrounding communities and the natural environment. Like other civil engineering projects, the process requires the approval of the government.

Land Development Pre-Construction

Although the process varies from project to project, most projects are carried out with the help of project managers and consultants. The main stages of the process include the development of a comprehensive site assessment, the design of a conceptual site, and the approval from the City and County of Denver Community and Planning (or applicable municipality).

Each item or stage in the Land Development process seems straightforward enough but numerous resources and collaboration is required to successfully complete it. That is why working with Design Buil or Commercial General Contractor is so important for your development team. Each stage has detailed steps that require knowledge, experience, and project management to see through.

During the land development process, a design-build company or commercial general contractor will work with professionals  to complete the following services:

  • Site planning, design, and layout
  • Site feasibility studies
  • Stormwater management, analysis, and design
  • Streetscape design
  • Recreational sites and trail design
  • Parking design
  • Utility coordination
  • Sewage facility planning
  • Floodplain analysis
  • Grading and earthwork
  • Erosion control

Land Development Plan Review

After all that, the project’s team will be ready to start a review process with the local municipality. As with all new construction and improvements, a  project will need to undergo a rigorous review process with the Community and Planning Department. This subject the land development team’s plans to scrutiny and comments. There will be a high volume of communication between city reviewers and the development team regarding nearly every aspect of the project. The city will have the authority to request clarifications, changes, and sometimes entire revisions to ensure that the project is adhering to strict standards. 

A higher level of communication and professionalism is needed to make sure this process is navigated efficiently. Each review adds weeks onto the construction timeline when awaiting confirmation. Delegating this process to a Design-Build firm or commercial general contractor is the most advantageous path. As they are experienced in working with the city and all other professionals involved to get the project permitted. 

Land Development Construction

After the plans have been reviewed and approved by the city, finally the construction of the project can begin. Development teams will continue to work closely with all the consultants and engineers but now they will mobilize various construction trades to bring the project to life. Now, on top of all the communication and project management that has been established, another layer is made with contracting companies. The sheer amount of coordination and industry know-how needed for completing a project is immense. That is where design-build companies shine as they shoulder the responsibilities of all this coordination and communication for you. Whereas traditional contraction teams will require the development team and ownership group to be more inundated with daily management. 

Who needs land development?

Everyone needs land development. A community needs to grow and expand to help provide denizens with housing, businesses, places of recreation, and so on. But it is complicated and time-consuming.

Land development in Denver requires comprehensive planning necessary for projects ranging from residential areas to commercial businesses. Without landscape architecture and engineering, the designs and construction of these projects would be impossible. Even more, project management and coordination is the most vital aspect of land development. There are so many moving parts and aspects involved with the concept, planning, permitting, and construction. 

That is why companies like Sustainable Design Build exist, to provide a single point of leadership and resources to produce a beneficial product for the community, and ownership group, and to make the process of land development as concise and efficient as possible for the land development team.

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Planning your next renovation, or maybe you are looking to do a complete remodel for your home? Whatever the task, it can’t hurt to ask. Reach out to our team through this form.

We can schedule a free consultation and discuss everything you need to get your project moving in the right direction. Did we mention, it’s absolutely free?