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Denver updates target review times for residential construction

The City of Denver Is Trying Speed Permits for Residential Construction

Starting October 6th, the City of Denver is hoping to provide a better level of transparency with residential construction review times. Homeowners and contractors alike have struggled to get defined times and set expectations on when they can be approved to start their projects.

According to Denver’s webpage:

Most residential projects – including detached garages will have a target due date of 12 business days for initial reviews and 12 business days for resubmittal reviews, which includes up to 2 business days to process the application and 10 business days for plan review. This change will be effective for initial submittals and resubmittals made after October 6.

There is no change to the two-day target review date for smaller projects. 

Types of projects that qualify for a two-day review:

  • Fences, retaining walls, landscaping, air conditioning units, patios, porches, decks, patio covers, detached storage units like sheds, windows and exterior doors, window wells, area wells, interior remodels without major structural work, and non-structural repairs due to water or fire damage.

Always discuss timelines with your General Contractor

A major part of any residential construction is the timeline. General Contractors will do their best to fit your project in with their work schedule, but when the city gets involved for approvals, that timeline cannot be set in stone. Working with a Design-Build company like SDB helps address that uncertainty. SDB wants to give the most transparency possible when it comes to committing to a deadline. With our extensive experience dealing with the city and county of Denver’s residential permitting process, we are confident we can give you accurate deadlines for when your project starts and finishes. To learn more about how a design-build company can help your project’s timeline or how SDB might be the best fit for you – contact us today for a free consultation.

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