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Glendale Development Project Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

As reported by Eric Heinz of BusinessDen, the long-debated entertainment district redevelopment for Glendale has a new firm involved. The latest firm plans to solidify its bid for the development with promises of an Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.

Denver-based Central Street Capital, entrepreneur Rob Salazar is preparing to develop the Glendale Entertainment District on a 10-acre property bordered by Cherry Street and Virginia Avenue.

Interestingly, BusinessDen reports that Salazar and his son Isiah will operate the Alamo themselves. The developer has signed a franchise agreement and claims there are other prospective tenants with which Central Street is negotiating leases.

The Salazars are just the latest developers to attempt the project, which Glendale has been talking about for years and which was once going to be called Glendale 180.

Historically, the Salazars are merely the latest developers to take on this specific Glendale project. Previously, the area and development were planned to be called Glendale 180 by a Houston and Dallas-based partnership. Apparently, a Persian rug shop sued Glendale in 2015 as a result of imminent domain caused by the proposed development. Fortunately, the rug shop has solidified its position and is no longer under threat to future development.

When Central Street first stepped up to be the next developer for the Glendale Entertainment District, there were talks with LiveNation to create a concert venue. However, that fell through and made way for this proposal for Alamo Drafthouse.

The Glendale City Council approved development agreements with Central Street for the district back in May. Besides the Alamo, the first phase of the project is expected to bring up a handful of restaurants and retail space. The development project is expected to break ground this fall with the proposed completion date set around 2023 and 2024.

What makes this project even more unique is that the district will be in a specially zoned area, which will allow people to carry alcoholic beverages throughout the entertainment district and alcohol can be served until 4 a.m.

Glendale Entertainment District Denver CO Development

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