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Denver recorded IN top 10 worst Air Quality

Denver EPA air quality has been recorded by a recent study with the EPA noting a concerning result. Accordingly, Federal records of the last two years show Denver has had hazardous air pollution levels at an elevated state. These records prove that the Denver metro area is among the top 10 worst U.S. cities for air quality. 

study’s show urgency to respond to pollution

Following, this study draws concern for all residents, especially ones who are sensitive to the bad air quality. People with asthma, children, elderly, etc are all at risk. Medical research has drawn links between air pollution and prevalence of chronic inflammation and dementia. Moreso, the current climate is said to only intensify over the years according to claims of climate warming/change. Scientists explain, “heat speeds the formation of ground-level ozone, which in turn, infuse more particles into smog”.

EPA reclassify Colorado’s Standing

Denver EPA air quality had a recent reclassification of Colorado’s AQI Level (Air Quality Index Levels) as a “serious” violator. Understandingly, this compelled state officials to adopt stricter measures and reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Also, the oil and gas industry has become a leading source of these hazardous VOCs, including people who drive vehicles. Hopefully, with this reclassification, Denver can move to make a stronger impact on the concern affecting its denizens.


Update:  The new American Lung Association’s annual State of the Air Report for Denver has awarded Denver a grade of F for ozone ! The report goes on to say that,”If you live in Denver County, the air you breathe may put your health at risk. Yikes! 

On May, 7, 2020, CBS Local News reported NOAA researchers out of Boulder, CO, were noticing air quality improving. Along the front range there are fewer cars on the roads during the COVID-19 pandemic/epidemic. A welcomed short term silver lining in Colorado!